My Worksheet Sucks!
Let’s take a new approach to writing worksheets.
Get around your thinking brain (aka, your neo-cortex) and access a wordless space.
During this workshop we will explore starting with images and then moving into words. This helps us access our limbic system, where the Real Information, where our Heart’s Truest Desires, live.
How it works?
Once registered, a minikit containing Playmobil figures is posted to you.
Before the workshop, please gather
a blank JYNW or writing paper
an 8" x 8" canvas panel used for painting or a piece of white A4/Letter sized paper
It is important for you to have:
a flat, stable surface in front of you (a desk is ideal)
the ability to face your camera downwards onto your desk so that I can see the Playmobil figures. Your hands need to be free
a private, quiet space with no interruptions
a phone with a camera
a specific situation involving another person on which to write a worksheet. This is not a workshop for writing a worksheet on ourselves
During the workshop, you will uncover the story that is the real cause of your suffering. And the practical ease of the method allows you to begin living your self realisations in the world after one session.
Upcoming Workshops
This introductory workshop is held online using Zoom. Register for the session that best fits your schedule.
Sat July 1
6 pm - 7.30 pm AEST
(Australian Eastern Standard Time)
Sat July 1
2 pm - 3.30 pm PDT
(Pacific Daylight Time)
Sat July 1
10 am - 11.30 am CEST
(Central European Summer Time)
Life happens for you, not to you.
Byron Katie