The Amber

Discover your
Unique Amber Light.


Have you ever been in an encounter where both of you acted in ways that were damaging to the relationship?

Traffic lights can help us to understand how we act in these situations.

Michelle can be talking to her partner (green light) about his day and suddenly the conversation turns into a dispute where she is screaming at him (red light)

Using the Amber Light technique Michelle recognises the physical symptoms that make up her amber light. Now she is in a position to change tactics and find better ways of expressing herself without shouting at her partner.

The concept of the Amber Light is similar to the 'aura' that epileptics experience a few seconds before the actual attack.

Discover your unique amber light in a single 60-minute session.

Contact me to discuss doing your own Amber Light session. We will find a day/time that works for both of us.

Cost for a session of The Amber Light is US$30

You will need to bring the following to the session:

  • your minikit (if you have one)

  • a blank worksheet or writing paper

  • a print out of the Amber Light template that I send via email prior to the session

Thank you so much for the session. I found the process of understanding the roles that I identify myself with through the use of the figures, fascinating and very powerful. I was taken aback by how much emotion was realised and that I had next to no words. I will definitely use them again!
— V.D.

 Between stimulus and response lies a space.
In that space is our power to choose.

Viktor Frankl