The Amber Light

Traffic lights can help us understand how to act in different situations.

Red = Stop.
Amber = Warning:prepare to stop.
Green = Go.

In the early hours before dawn, I would often awaken to the sound of my father and mother talking in hushed tones. However, it didn't take long for the conversation to escalate into a heated argument, with my father's voice rising in anger as he yelled at my mother. The peaceful atmosphere was suddenly disrupted by the tension and stress that filled the air. It was as if a green light had turned red in a matter of seconds.

My father did not recognise his own amber light. A sign that things are about to get worse. It is similar to the feeling epileptics get before they have an attack.

Everyone has their own unique "amber light" that tells them when they should take a break and return when they are calm enough to play a constructive role.