
Your Story. Beyond Words.

An innovative approach to
The Work of Byron Katie.

Would you like to write worksheets using a different part of your brain? Learn a novel way to identify your stressful thoughts in any given situation involving another person.


A combination of two powerful practices.

The Work of Byron Katie + Play of Life

The Judge Your Neighbour Worksheet is where The Work begins for many. Filling it out can be a revelatory experience. Self realisations deepen when you do a thorough Inquiry on the entire sheet.

But what if we begin before writing a worksheet?

Every life experience is recorded as an image in a part of our brain that has no capacity for language.

Play of Life is a method that uses small figures to fast track self realisations.

Using the Play of Life approach I show you how to make a 3D image of your specific stressful situation. It is important to do this first. The idea is to create as close an approximation of the recorded image in your brain.

Information which is emotionally hard to handle is not available to our conscious mind. By creating a visual representation you can access information normally hidden from your awareness.

This 3D image forms the basis for your entire worksheet.

If you aren’t familiar with The Work of Byron Katie, consider a one-on-one session with Lindsay.

I love this technique as a way to get out of the analyzing mind and deeper in touch with the emotional and nonverbal impacts.

Lindsay has discovered a very valuable combination of two different techniques and is doing his part to reach out into the world with it. If you have the opportunity to work with him, I would go for it.
— Julia Rippel
Lindsay Christian’s workshop gave me new ways to practice The Work that are very effective, especially when I am by myself. Thank you for the invaluable new tools
— Sia U.

Be You. Everyone else is taken.